Saturday, March 30, 2013

what the title of this blog means

So, why a starfish? 

While browsing through Shannon's blog, I came upon Charlie's story. It was actually Leah's story I read first that had a link to his. 

                                             Which is a key point in this,
                                                        there are so many.
All so precious.
              So why him?
We had just come out of a 6 month term of unemployment, moved 3000 miles across the country, knew (pretty much) no one in our new area. It is Not like this was ideal timing...from my vantage point ( a pretty weak point of view I'm discovering). I'm not sure exactly what I was thinking as I passed my phone over to Jeff. I didn't say anything to him, but he's used to me finding interesting cats reads or funny cats pictures and sharing them with him. You all should thank him, actually. If not for him, I'd be spamming your world 24/7. The cats things I find!! 

He read. He scrolled. He read more. I was watching tv, or playing on the iPad, or cramming my head with some other digital brain feed. Until he broke in.

"I think we should get him...'

if I said anything, it wasn't memorable. but I do remember crying as he said,

''s like that story of the starfish.'

Some of you have heard the story. Those of you who have not, this is the version I like the best. It is an adaptation of a short story and has many variations. But the meaning is always the same.


  1. You and your family are truly amazing and inspirational!!

    1. a huge compliment, sir. thank you. I really appreciate your support. and for not calling us crazy...too often ;)

  2. Love you guys so much and I want you to know this is the kind of life I dreamed about when I was young. I am so glad a family member is able to live it.

    1. Thank you, Aunt Betty. I would love to talk to you more about it. Miss you!

  3. Ah, now I get it. I guess I never heard that story before.

    1. It is a tad cliche in the adoption community, so I hesitated to use it. But, Jeff really doesn't read the adoption blogs, so I knew his saying it came from a genuine, personal place. It fit so well I just had to ;)

  4. Hello, my name is Becky and my husband and I are the proud new parents of "Leah". I am so happy to know it's you that is getting Charlie. I heard that he had a family, I just didn't know who. Congratulations. I would love to visit with you and see where you are in the process. You can email me at

    1. Hi, Becky! I am going to email you right now! Thank you for reaching out, please excuse my late response. Congratulations to you, as well! I just love Leah's smile! Excited to connect with you:)

  5. Thank you THANK YOU THANK YOU for taking that leap of faith. I have pictures of "Charlie" from May of last year. Please email me at and I will be thrilled to send them to you. He so desparately needs a home. We have a 6 year old from Chenzhou who has been there with both Charlie and Li Ya and Jian Ying. : ) I couldn't be any happier for you and "Charlie" ~Rissa

    1. Oh, tileia! Thank you! I am emailing you now! I would love to see any photos you have! I so appreciate you reaching out and offering them!
