Sunday, February 16, 2014

One Less

Today around 3pm China time (2am ET, 11pm Sunday evening PT) there will be one less orphan in the world. We will be eating as a family of 7 at dinner. He woke up today, for the last time, at the orphanage.

So many thoughts swirling through my head right now. As I attempt to assemble them, I figured I'd ask the others here what they are thinking:

Gabby: I still can't believe the day has finally arrived. We are going to meet him today. I've felt like there has been a missing piece ever since I found out he was going to join our family.

Ian: I'm very excited and happy. I can't wait to get a brother. I hope he likes Legos.

Evie: I'm excited that we are traveling today to get Charlie and he is going to have fun at Pennsylvania and he is going to get a little scared. We can teach him how to say English.

daddy: Wow.Excited to finally be here and see him and meet my son.

Shell: I am very, very excited but also very nervous for how he is going to perceive us. I sure wish I had studied Chinese and could talk more to him. I really hope he doesn't think we're ginormous. I also really want to find some more food.

and me: We are here. His family has arrived. Most of us wait seconds from delivery to placement in our mother's and father's hands. He has waited over 13 years. A few more hours, sweet boy. Mama and baba are finally here.

And for all of you, following us, praying for us...thank you. The past 4 days have been very full of fun and exhaustion and travel mercies...God has blessed us so immensely with such dear friends and family. We feel your love and support so strong. We cannot wait to share even more with you. (wi-fi apologies, photos are not cooperating)


  1. Your families journey is amazing! I'm glad you at this exciting point!

  2. This is so exciting, Annaliese! I can't wait to see a photo of your family all together!!!

  3. Just a little while longer. I am so proud of your family and the courage you have shown. I will continue to pray during this journey for patience and understanding as I am sure you will need it. I will especially pray for Charlie. Being 13 is hard enough without having to travel to a new home and learn a new language and culture. To me he is the hero and is finally being rewarded for his bravery.

  4. Cannot wait to meet you guys! I dont think its a co-incidence we’ve just met……..via Facebook, how wild is that?!? I sent you my blog via Facebook the day you traveled but if you missed it here it is

    Our families are so similar…………..We have a beautiful 10year old Spice girl from Szechuan, an adorable 9 (going on 19yrold) who is CRAZY about lego……..and then theres Daniel……..well, wait till you meet him. But we just got PA on a 6yrold girl, & a 12yrold boy from Hunan. It will be so cool that our Chinese boys are so close in age & from the same province………I pray we’ll all become close friends! We should, we have enough in common dont ya think? And best of all, you literally live less than 2 miles away! So when your home & settled we’d love to get to get with all of……….you are a few months ahead of us which is a huge blessing to us as we’ll be able to pick your brains. We used the Star fish story too. SO excited………….

    God bless

    Clive & Frances

  5. I tried to send you an email but it bounced back :-(
